Client Portal Instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Login, Review Information About Your Cases and Access Documentation

  1. Visit the client login page.
  2. Enter your username and password, or contact us to set up an account.
  3. Click 'My Account' for access to all open invoices.
  4. Click the yellow 'Do it!' to access all jobs, enter search functions, or to search for specific jobs/cases.
  5. Here you can find all of the jobs for your company, including the active address given to us and the completed address where the document was served.
  6. On the far left, click the 'Details' link to get specifics on any case.
  7. You are now viewing all addresses where documents were served, including the date and time stamp, as well as the GPS location stamp. We also include a photo in case further proof is needed.
  8. Scroll down to view any conformed copies of affidavits we may have filed at the court on your behalf.
  9. You can even send us a message with additional information about the case, including other addresses, physical descriptions, best time to serve, etc.

More questions? Feel free to contact us for further assistance.


I've been waiting for MONTHS for PG County Sheriffs to do what Same Day Process did in one day. I am so pleased. So overjoyed.* - Asia Robinson