Tips for Staying Safe While Process Serving

Process serving is a necessary role that helps the legal system running efficiently. As beneficial as this role is, it also involves some inherent safety risks. There are safety concerns with many jobs, but a process server can interact with a volatile population in their day-to-day work. The process server can even be unduly blamed for the served individual being contacted.

The cases of assault against process servers have been on the rise. In some states, there are new laws that elevate an assault on a process server to a felony.

There are steps to take in order to avoid potentially risky situations. Continue reading to take your safety into your own hands while process serving.

Get Some Background

Looking at some of the papers you will be serving can give you some insight into the type of character you will be meeting. Beware of domestic dispute charges or restraining orders.

Don’t forget to ask your client about the person you will be serving. Learning about drug or alcohol use, previous charges, and if the person will expect being served all give you a head’s up for the coming situation.

Plan your Parking

Park your car as if you will need to make a quick escape. Avoid parking in driveways or areas where you can get trapped. If the situation gets bad, you want to be able to get away quickly.

Don’t go Inside

You can see the outside of houses and apartments, but anything and anyone could be inside. Stay outside and make sure to back away from the door after knocking to appear less threatening. If the person invites you inside, politely decline.

Remain Calm

The person could be having a bad day or may react strongly when you serve them. They may become emotional, but the best way to defuse an emotional response is remaining calm and logically responding to them.

“No Further Information”

When some people are being served, they have many questions for you. To keep the interaction brief, tell them you have not looked at the papers and have “no further information.” Responding in this way will decrease the chances of them blaming you and help get you away more quickly.

Don’t Turn Your Back

Just as in a boxing match, protect yourself at all times. Keep an eye on all potential danger, that includes the person you are serving. Even if they have been completely polite so far, they may be waiting for you to drop your guard.

Always be respectful while talking and interacting with the person you are serving, but at the same time, keep yourself safe at all times. If you would like to act as a process server with a company who keeps your safety in mind, contact the team at Same Day Process Service today.

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