If you know you will be sued, do yourself a favor and DO NOT try to avoid the server. Many people think it's a good idea - if they avoid the server, then they can prevent the case from moving forward. In reality, when a person physically avoids a process server, they end up dragging out the case and costing more money in legal fees.
The easiest method of delivering a service from the court's point of view is a person hand-delivering papers to the person being served. But there are still ways of being served if you don't touch or sign anything. A Substitute Service can apply in many cases. This type of service allows for most people over 18 who answers the door to accept the papers.
A process server has many options aside from hand-delivering services. We'll go over a few in detail below.
Service by Certified Mail
If unable to approach you at home or work, a process server can send documents through the mail. Service by certified mail is entirely legal in some states. The server will need to provide proof of sending the papers and proof that the address has no problems.
Service by Door Posting
As long as a server has documented attempts to deliver your service at home, there is an option for posting on your front door. This step requires a motion to be filled with the court and a judge's authorization. Taking a picture of the posted process on the front door can serve as an affidavit of service.
Service by Notice
Another option is to provide notice through a local newspaper. The paper must have a circulation in the area where you live.
Not Worth the Trouble
No matter what, the lawsuit will move forward. Avoiding a process server ends up being a short term solution that costs extra money and makes you look worse in the eyes of the court. If you end up avoiding the court date, the problems will only get worse.
Same Day Process Service has been offering legal services in the Washington D.C. area since 2005. Our servers respect the client's needs and those of the individual being served. We get court documents delivered quickly and correctly every time. Call us today at (844) 737-8331.